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About Us

PreciLasers was founded in late 2017. It is a national high-tech enterprise and a Shanghai-level specialized enterprise. It is committed to the research and development and production of high-end fiber lasers, with application-oriented precision fiber lasers as its core competitiveness. It mainly targets markets such as quantum information, lidar, advanced industry and medical beauty, and launches high-end fiber laser products with precise control of wavelength, line width, pulse waveform, etc. The high-end laser products produced have been used in the most cutting-edge quantum science research, including quantum precision measurement, quantum computers, lidar, laser sensing, and high-end application fields such as semiconductor detection and processing.

Core key technologies

Ultra-narrow linewidth fiber DFB fiber laser

Distributed feedback is used to generate ultra-narrow linewidth single-frequency lasers, and unique packaging technology is used to improve the long-term frequency stability of single-frequency lasers, ensuring that the laser frequency never mode-hops.

High power and high efficiency frequency conversion

High-power and high-efficiency fiber laser frequency doubling technology expands the fiber laser output wavelength to the visible light and ultraviolet bands.

High Power Narrow Linewidth Fiber Amplifier

With unique high-efficiency stimulated Brillouin scattering suppression technology, the output power of single-frequency single-transverse mode fiber laser reaches hundreds of watts.

High performance pulsed fiber laser

The unique nonlinear technology is used to realize the saturable absorber effect. The laser pulse stability is extremely high, and it can withstand high and low temperature working environments of 0-45°C. It has excellent mode-locking self-starting performance and can achieve continuous startup of 100,000 times.

Typical application cases

  • Ultra-narrow linewidth fiber DFB fiber laser: high-power narrow linewidth laser seed source, laser radar, etc.
  • High-power single-frequency fiber lasers: cold atomic optical lattices, atom interferometers, atomic, ion, and molecular cooling lasers
  • High-efficiency frequency conversion laser: narrow line width visible light, ultraviolet laser output, to meet the needs of cold atoms, quantum precision measurement, interferometry, etc.
  • High-performance pulsed fiber lasers: ultrafast laser precision machining, optical imaging, strong-field laser physics
  • High-power continuous deep ultraviolet fiber lasers: lithography, cold atom and cold molecule physics