Typical applications (choose laser according to application) Cesium Rydberg atomic application Cs

Cesium Rydberg atomic application Cs

PerciLasers' narrow linewidth high-power lasers, covering wavelengths from ultraviolet to infrared, can provide lasers of various wavelengths for the excitation of Rydberg atoms, achieving high-precision electric field measurements and quantum computing based on Rydberg atoms.

 Narrow Linewidth Fiber DFB Laser


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Solution Overview





Implementation of the solution based on narrow linewidth seed laser and frequency

  • Narrow line width: <20kHz
  • Tuning range: >0.15nm
  • Never mode-hop
  • High and low temperature environment




Based on 1018nm narrow linewidth Yb-doped fiber DFB laser, Yb-doped fiber amplifier and frequency doubling

  • Narrow line width: <20kHz
  • Tuning range: >0.35nm
  • Never mode-hop
  • High power




The scheme based on sum frequency generates high-power 616nm laser, and then frequency doubles to generate high-power 318nm laser

  • Narrow line width: <40kHz
  • High power
  • Never mode-hop
  • long life


Widely tunable high power laser

In order to achieve a laser covering multiple wavelengths from the ground state to the excited state of cesium atoms, Frequency-Centric launched a widely tunable laser that perfectly combines the wide tuning characteristics of external cavity semiconductor lasers and the high power characteristics of fiber amplifiers.

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Solution Overview





Based on a widely tunable external cavity semiconductor laser, an Yb-doped fiber amplifier, and an efficient sum frequency scheme, a tuning range of >5nm is achieved

  • High power
  • wide tuning




A high-power 636nm laser is generated based on a sum-frequency scheme, where one of the sum-frequency seeds is a widely tunable external cavity semiconductor laser, achieving a tuning range of >±1nm

  • High power
  • long life
  • wide tuning



 Frequency Stabilization and Other Accessories

The excitation of the Rydberg state of cesium atoms requires that the laser wavelength be accurately aligned with the transition spectrum of the atom and that the wavelength be kept stable for a long time. PerciLasers has also launched corresponding frequency stabilization solutions

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Solution Overview



Hertz-level ultra-stable laser system


Based on the PDH frequency stabilization method, the laser is locked to a high-precision and portable ultra-stable laser system to achieve the narrowing of the laser line width.

  • Ultra-high frequency stability ·
  • Narrow line width
  • can be handled


Modulation transfer frequency stabilization system


Based on all-fiber modulation transfer frequency stabilization scheme, the laser frequency is locked to the transition spectrum of rubidium atoms

  • High long-term frequency stability
  • Strong environmental adaptability


Saturation absorption frequency stabilization system


Based on the all-fiber saturation absorption frequency stabilization scheme, the laser frequency is locked to the transition spectrum of the rubidium atom

  • High long-term frequency stability
  • Strong environmental adaptability


EIT frequency stabilization


The all-fiber EIT frequency stabilization scheme locks the laser frequency to the transition spectrum of the rubidium atom.

  • High long-term frequency stability
  • Strong environmental adaptability