Common options Common options

Common options

1. Air/water cooling options
Except for seed lasers, most lasers can freely choose between air-cooled or water-cooled cooling methods. For some high-power lasers/amplifiers, water cooling is the only option.
For some lasers, water cooling can achieve lower intensity noise characteristics. Frequency accurate laser does not come with a water cooler by default.
2. AOM options
The PZT tuning bandwidth of the fiber DFB seed laser is only 5kHz, which can achieve good slow feedback, such as saturation absorption frequency stabilization or modulation transfer frequency stabilization. However, for high-precision FP cavities and optical phase-locked loops that require high bandwidth feedback systems, a higher laser frequency tuning method is needed. AOM can be added between the seed laser and the laser amplifier to achieve fast tuning of the final laser output by quickly tuning the AOM driving frequency.
This option includes fiber optic AOM and AOM driver, with built-in fast tuning VCO and tuning bandwidth>500kHz. Based on this option, ultra stable lasers at the Hz level can be achieved.
3. EOM options
EOM can be added between the seed laser and amplifier to achieve fast phase tuning and sideband generation.
The principle of achieving fast phase tuning is similar to that of AOM options.
EOM implementation for sideband generation: After the seed laser passes through EOM, sidebands are generated, which are then amplified and transformed into nonlinear frequencies to produce the final output laser sidebands. However, during this process, the carrier to sideband ratio may be system dependent.
This option does not include drivers and corresponding tests by default.
4. Monitoring light output options
Based on frequency doubling or sum schemes, by default, the fundamental frequency light may not be directly obtained. If this option is added, low-power laser can be coupled out after the amplifier or in the laser output module for monitoring or frequency stabilization functions.
Frequency accurate laser accepts more in-depth system customization. For options and customization, please contact sales!