Thulium-Doped Fiber Amplifier(1695nm-2100nm) Thulium-Doped Fiber Amplifier(1695nm-2100nm)

Thulium-Doped Fiber Amplifier(1695nm-2100nm)

Thulium-Doped Fiber Amplifier

Based on thulium-doped fiber amplification technology, Frequency-Accurate Laser can provide 1695nm-2100nm fiber amplifiers to achieve amplification of single-frequency input lasers with a maximum output of 100W, while ensuring extremely low intensity noise and phase noise of the output laser.
Real photoswavelengthpowerIntroductionFeatures
 1695-1705nm0.1W、1WThulium-doped fiber is used as the amplification medium, suitable for the wavelength range of 1695-1705nm, and can achieve a maximum power amplification of 1W, FC/APC fiber connector output or spatial collimation output
  • Ultra-fast seed cut protection
  • Narrow line width
  • Low intensity noise
  • Low phase noise
  • High power
 1705-1730nm0.1W、2WUse thulium-doped fiber as the amplification medium, suitable for the band 1705-1730nm, can achieve up to 2W power amplification, FC/APC fiber connector output or spatial collimation output
  • Ultra-fast seed cut protection
  • Narrow line width
  • Low intensity noise
  • Low phase noise
  • High power
 1730-1830nm1W、5W、10WUse thulium-doped fiber as the amplification medium, suitable for the band 1730-1830nm, can achieve up to 10W power amplification, FC/APC fiber connector output or spatial collimation output
  • Ultra-fast seed cut protection
  • Narrow line width
  • Low intensity noise
  • Low phase noise
  • High power
 1830-1900nm1W、5WThulium-doped fiber is used as the amplification medium, suitable for the wavelength range of 1830-1900nm, and can achieve a maximum power amplification of 5W, FC/APC fiber connector output or spatial collimation output
  • Ultra-fast seed cut protection
  • Narrow line width
  • Low intensity noise
  • Low phase noise
  • High power
 1830-1900nm15WUsing thulium-doped fiber as the amplification medium, suitable for the band 1830-1900nm, can achieve up to 15W power amplification, spatial collimation output
  • Ultra-fast seed cut protection
  • Narrow line width
  • Low intensity noise
  • Low phase noise
  • High power
 1900-2000nm1WThulium-doped fiber is used as the amplification medium, suitable for the wavelength range of 1900-2000nm, and can achieve a maximum power amplification of 1W, FC/APC fiber connector output or spatial collimation output
  • Ultra-fast seed cut protection
  • Narrow line width
  • Low intensity noise
  • Low phase noise
  • High power
Using thulium-doped fiber as the amplification medium, suitable for the band 1900-2000nm, can achieve up to 30W power amplification, spatial collimation output

  • Ultra-fast seed cut protection
  • Narrow line width
  • Low intensity noise
  • Low phase noise
  • High power
Using thulium-doped fiber as the amplification medium, suitable for 1900-2000nm band, can achieve power amplification up to 100W, spatial collimation output
  • Ultra-fast seed cut protection
  • Narrow line width
  • Low intensity noise
  • Low phase noise
  • High power
 2000nm-2100nm1W、5WUsing thulium-doped fiber as the amplification medium, suitable for the band 2000nm-2100nm, up to 5W power amplification can be achieved, FC/APC fiber connector output or spatial collimation output
  • Ultra-fast seed cut protection
  • Narrow line width
  • Low intensity noise
  • Low phase noise
  • High power
 2000nm-2100nm20WUsing thulium-doped fiber as the amplification medium, suitable for the band 2000nm-2100nm, can achieve up to 20W power amplification, spatial collimation output
  • Ultra-fast seed cut protection
  • Narrow line width
  • Low intensity noise
  • Low phase noise
  • High power