Application and Description Comparison between fiber DFB seed laser and FECL seed laser

Comparison between fiber DFB seed laser and FECL seed laser

Comparison between fiber DFB seed laser and FECL seed laser

PreciLasers' fiber DFB seeds and FECL seeds both have the characteristics of narrow linewidth and low noise, but they have their own characteristics in tuning range and noise. In order to facilitate selection, some comparisons are made here.


Comparison in the range of 1530-1600nm:

Seed Laser

Fiber DFB

FECLFixed External Cavity Semiconductor Laser

Wavelength range



Line width (100us integration time)




<-130dBc/Hz @ 10kHz

<-110dBc/Hz @ peak

<-145dBc/Hz @ 10KHz

Tuning range



Quick tuning mode



Fast tuning bandwidth



Fast tuning range




The following figure is a comparison of the intensity noise of two seed lasers:



Comparison in the range of 1000-1120nm:

Seed Laser


FECLFixed External Cavity Semiconductor Laser

Wavelength range



Line width (100us integration time)




<-145dBc/Hz @ 10kHz

<-140dBc/Hz @ peak

<-145dBc/Hz @ 10KHz

Tuning range



Quick tuning mode



Fast tuning bandwidth



Fast tuning range



The following figure is a comparison of the intensity noise of two seed lasers: